today was another relax day. last night we assembled the bicycles even though we were tired. today we took them for a ride to make sure they were in working order and to pick up things that we couldn’t bring with us…sunscreen, aloe, etc. it was also a good time to test out the snorkelling gear we brought with us. i learned that when you tell someone “just don’t use your nose when you’re underwater”, it doesn’t translate as easy as you would think. we did find a place down the street from the uncle billy’s that had the best mai tai’s and coconut crusted onion rings. there are a ton of little shops around the coast of kona that we visited and checked out. i even had a few minutes of some ukulele lessons that i didn’t expect. riding the bicycles was nice after having not rode them for five days. back at the hotel, we had the chance to meet a few others from the tour and make some new friends.

sera & mai tai.
jaik & mai tai.