once again, we attempted to sleep in. it will probably be a rough transition to the pacific time zone. i suppose tomorrow morning will be the judge of that. we grabbed a few pastries and juice from the continental breakfast at the hotel, then we made sure we had everything from the room. we walked around and enjoyed the cool morning for a bit, went back to the hotel and had the desk call us a cab.
time to go, time to fly. if you have the chance to see any of the places in my photos in person, consider yourself lucky. the hawaiian big island tour was an amazing experience and the best vacation i have ever had. i know sometime i will be back to hawaii, but this was really a perfect trip and won’t be easily overshadowed.
ready to fly.
the kona airport cracks me up. just a series of little island huts.
well i guess we’re going to fly over maui.
yes, we are going over maui.
mmmmhhhmmm, we’re still over maui, just a bit further.
goodbye for now big island.
the waves in the ocean give it a cracked appearance.
blurry nightlights of portland.
on the ground in pdx international airport.